Monday, September 29, 2008

Me... me... mee... meme me

Meme Schmeme

As copied from Beth's blog. She said there were no rules to it. I meant to change the words but lacked the mental energy to think of any. So here goes....

Accent: Yeah... I do have a sexy twang, if I may say so myself. I'm still working at rolling my mother tongue tongue around those r's. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrret me reave this one arone. Next will be the ers.

Booze: I don't know who invented it but he must have been a genius; or she must have. I must say its been the best invention since sliced bread... or something like that.

Chore I Hate: Anything qualifying for a chore will bring out mixed emotions in me... and I'm not talking about joy n happiness. I am right now doing my laundry and I am hating it.

Dogs/Cats: I never quite understood how some cats go about calling each other 'dog'. "Sup dog"

Essential Electronics: Laptop; cellphone; laptop

Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Still looking to find it. I'll take suggestions.

Gold & Silver: Silver and Gold have I none.... Never had a thing for jewelry.

Hometown: Woosta - home away from home. Second largest city in Massachusetts yet it feels like a big small town; And I hate small towns.

Insomnia: Never heard of him...... or her; but trust me, I'm not losing any sleep over it.

Kids: Apparently none.... and I've checked. I even went as far as putting out classifieds in the local and un-local dailies. If you have reason to believe otherwise, please...

Living Arrangements: Temporally.... I mean, my landlord must know by now that I have no way of paying the six months worth of rent I owe him. It's only a matter of time.

Most Admired Trait: Wish I knew... I'd wear it more often. Come to think of it, I really don't know... I think all of mine are equally admired.... Or maybe I don't have none.

Neurotic Tendencies: Denial.

Overnight Hospital Stays: Once, when I was barely 3 yrs old. Don't remember much about it other than I got abused... yes, sexually. How else do I explain the nightmares with people in in lab coats... or the involuntary tightening of my sphincter muscles whenever I am in the vicinity of a hospital.

Phobia: None.... unless you want to insinuate that my fear of admitting that I am afraid is actually a phobia.

Quote: O.K. This was not a good idea..... You can quote me on that.

Religion: What can I say.... I've been searching for it in all the wrong places.

Siblings: One.... A brother, 8 yrs my junior.

Time I Usually Wake Up: Just before my alarm goes off... usually.

Unusual Talent: Evasion... It is only under special circumstances that this is considered a talent. I am right now hiding under those circumstances.

Vegetable I Refuse To Eat: None... A good testimony to my mother's gift of persuasion; or my aversion to pain.

Worst Habit: Procrastinating.... So badly so, I now even put off procrastination for another day.

X-Rays: What I wouldn't give for X-Ray Vision... I'll settle for the glasses.

Yummy Foods I Make: Well, are we talking me making them and they turning out to be yummy, or usually yummy foods that I do make? Sometimes... rarely I must admit, I do cook; even more rarely it actually turns out to be yummy.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.... I think.


Tamara said...

Hiya. This is the first time I've vistited your blog and I enjoyed getting to know a bit about you in your meme ;-)

Mo said...

Seems that you used your unusual talent on many of those questions.

But still an entertaining read.

Maua said...

This is good, and yes I laughed.

Anonymous said...

Try Raugh Lauren Romance Silver

Anonymous said...

LOL.. thanks gream.. will see if I can lay my hands on it.

mwasjd said...

Silver and gold I don't have also, I bought her the latter and she was speechless.

savvy said...

You wake up before your alarm goes off? I usually get up hours after it goes off....

Interesting way of answering questions..especially the sexy twang right there.... your eer's and aaaal's

S said...

First time around, and am loving this post. Lemmi dig up the archives.

Anonymous said...

Welcome Nzembi... be careful not to disturb the ghosts in the archives.