Thursday, July 10, 2008


Scree ...eech! The Limo abruptly pulls into the allotted space outside the bookstore. It's an 07 Cadillac Escalade... long and old in this day. The guy that I rented it from said it was the only one he had available... the pompous ass he was. Like I hadn't seen the fleet of brand new S-Class Mercs at the back... and he had the nerve to point out that I did not have enough clout....

Ati..... "its not that we don't think you'll be good for it.... blah blah blah!"

The nerve. Did he not know who I was... Acha tu! He'll see.

"Stay for a minute please" I yell at the driver.

I ignore the look of disdain he throws my way and survey the throng..... waiting outside. Its not what I'd pictured, in my dreams... As a matter of fact the reality of stardom is really not living up to what I'd envisioned. But then again, some might argue I was not a star...

One has to be famous, they'd say.

There is a few people milling about... mostly middle-aged mothers. No teenage groupies clamoring for a piece of the K........ and even worse, no photo-journalists. There can be no fame without the press...... Oh man! Perhaps I should have listened to the vultures and gotten me a publicist.

I guess I have not arrived yet. There is a short line through the door. The line is quiet... settled...... patient even. A patience borne of a lifetime of raising children and waiting for working husbands. It hardly stirs when the over-sized limo pulls up... I seriously doubt it will budge when I get out... I close my eyes and replay that dream...

"A large crowd followed and pressed around him. Grabbing at him and chanting his name , if only to get but a touch of his fame..."

"Ahem!" The driver's impatience snaps me out of my reverie... He really needs to be put in his place.

I adjust my shirt and put on my scratched Ray-Bans..... before stepping out. I smile my way through the curious ogling and am halfway to the door before a fast talking Ms. Chandler grabs me by my elbow .

Her name is just about the only thing I get out of her quick introduction as she walks me through the door and leads me to a table where the line begins. And there on the plain table-clothe..... standing out like the proverbial sore thumb, is the reason am here.


I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself, did I? How lacking in manners. Well... If you've been reading my blog all this years, you don't need an introduction.... you probably know me better than I know myself.

If you haven't been? Well, you soon will... just tune in to Oprah these next couple of months... It's yet to be confirmed, but I have it from the grapevine... my book is being considered. Yap.... Rumor has it that she finally got a hold of one of the fifty copies I mailed her personally... That's right, my mother always said persistence was my key, that and the ability to tell tales...

So yes... I am a writer. Wannabe writer I should say. A famous wannabe writer: Or is it a wannabe-famous writer? Well, it don't matter really. Writing, I've found, doesn't make you a writer. Oprah and the New York Times do.


Unknown said...

Ooooh! That last line tastes strongly of cynicism ... although (and this is the scary part) there is much truth in the statement as well. Alas! I will not accept. I am a writer. You are a writer. Oprah can go to hell.

Tandra said...

y does this sound (read) oddly familiar....

Anonymous said...

i wanna be famous. writing might be the only avenue i have to that end.

KK said...

@Beth: me cynical... ? No way:)

@T...: How so?

@3...: Dude.. U n I both

Anonymous said...

eh about reality tv ...

Anonymous said...

Oprah and you in one sentence? WOW!

Let me start rewriting my thank you speech for winning Miss Universe.

*Logs off and finds an A4 and starts to scribble furiously*

smelling the coffee said...

i've been away too long. but now i'm back

KK said...

@ Kelitu: My dear, it would have been me and u in one (life)sentense, but then you had to go and get yourself a man... tsk tsk

@ Smelling: Glad you finally woke up and smelled the coffee:)

Anonymous said...

don't we all want to be famous?

what was the reason u went to ur grand signing ceremony? u left me in suspense there....

waiting to see u on oprah.

true, not everyone who's famous for something has talent in that thing...