Monday, August 11, 2008

Opposites do attract

Brains attract me; if only I knew what to do with.....

Soni.. my friend's cousins' friend who though we never took classes together, we did at one point attend the same school. Now, while I'm still aspiring to aspire to be something worthwhile, she's teaching at Northeastern.... yes, the college - and about to embark on her PHD in some sciences or the other.

Kui.. who I met through this cousin of hers with whom I was about to get into a business deal, that is before he chickened out. Thankfully not before he had introduced me to lil' Kui who is just finishing her degree with some major that I cannot spell let alone pronounce, before going to the school of Pharmacy.

Njeri... my wild friend who's already earned several bachelor's and master's degrees, can speak at least 9 languages and is now looking to get a nursing degree. What for.... you ask? How? ....I ask.

Serah, the older sister of Mson, the girl who may rightfully claim to have been my first crush while back in Primary school, where the best way a girl could show her liking for a boy, was to offer him some of her food. Through her I met Serah who's just recently earned her second Masters degree in some human resource or the other.

And then there is me....

I think I need to skip the aspiring part and just become somebody.... you know, like a writer perhaps. Yes, I think I will. That way, when I am hanging with these educated girls and their nerdy peers, I can disdainfully throw it out there.... "I am a writer, I really don't give a rat's ass about what patent you are working on right now. Somebody get me another drink"


Anonymous said...

Education is sexy. That's just all there is to it. 'Course - it isn't the ONLY thing, but it is a highly attractive trait.

Anonymous said...

this is the correct way to do product placement. I hope alfie [mutua a la cobra squad] is taking notes :)

Anonymous said...

those marketing classes are paying off i see....

Anonymous said...

they are all really impressive. 9 languauges?! that's good...

although, to each their own... i loathed the whole education stuff with tests and exams... and the dreaded dissertation!

DeTamble said...

get me another drink :D