Thursday, May 14, 2009

Drum Roll Please........

Thank God for English… Tonight, I graduate..… Oh wait… Am I getting ahead of myself. Tonight it’s the pinning ceremony, Saturday is the graduation. But the pinning, I’m told, is infinitely more significant to the nursing students…

So, today I’ll be all decked out, minus the gown and cap… those ones my friend Anne has to wear… after-all, she’s the one who tirelessly went thru the motions of learning and cramming those tedious texts, spent those sleepless nights, burnt the famous midnight oil and you know… sat for the tests. Things I couldn’t very well be bothered to do… which is why, as she walks up the stage amidst hollering and heckling from her friends and family, to receive that hug, and pin and whatever else they give them nurses, I’ll be vicariously enjoying it thru her.

That, my friends, I’ve found is the easiest and least committing way to graduate…. Heck I don’t even have to cram the ‘Nightingale Pledge’. Too bad I couldn’t get my mother to come watch me, but there is always next year.

How do I convince her that graduating vicariously is just as good, if not better, as the real one.


Tandra said...

good times... good times...

about convincing your mum, i;m sure u will work it out...

3CB said...

There's this sitcom where a girl attended a pal's wedding, took some strategic pictures with the groom, and sent them to her mum to convince her that she'd gotten married. It worked too, heehee. You could try that with Annes's gown and cap... artistic license and all that ;)

pink m said...

I was about to send you some goat meat yawa!

Ok, happy vicarious graduation. Congratulate the graduating lady too

KK said...

@Tandra... Your faith in me shines thru.... again.
@Crys... Only catch is she wants to be there.
@Pink... Please send the goat... I'll cut out the meat.

Mo said...

Major congrats, man.

You now have the honour of collecting a drink (on my tab) when thou visiteth Nairobi.

Of course, due to my being a teetotaler, that drink shall have to be non-alcoholic.

KK said...

That's no prob MO... I'll just make sure to bring lil flask of whateva..

Mama said...


You better be joking about trying to convince your mum graduating vicariously is a good thing. You better have another think coming mister, mothers want the real deal.

joyunspeakable2011 said...

wee are you seriously graduating from plagiarising answers through Anne?...she should have known better than allow you to copy from her...shown you all the answers but wrong ones then change hers......

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, No?

SE said...

Whoo-hoo!! Congrats m'dear! I have some catching up to do...

Child of God said...

give yourself a pat in the back,goodluck for the convincing part

Shiko-Msa said...

eeeer. congratulations KK. right?

bomseh said...

Kazi unayo. Good luck.

Mo said...

Ok, clearly, I read this blog post in a hurry.

Offer of drink retracted... for now.

savvy said...

Are congratulations in order?

When I was young, there was this girl who used to copy from me, and my grandmother gave me that same advice! I think I took it, and the poor girl ended up with bad grades.

KK said...

Savvy.... of course, why else would I be bragging about something I haven't done?
@Mo... there happens to be a statute of limitation here... which happens to be the minute ur comment is saved... therefore, ummm, u still owe me that drink.

Maua said...

Two of my friends borrowed my gown, took photos and hang them. I threatened to tell if they didn't enrol in Uni. Needless to say, one graduated 3 yrs ago, and the other last yr. So KK, it's never too late for your mum to attend the real thing.

Loco said...

A graduation is a graduation! Congratulations are congratulations, hearty ones from me, on whichever graduation, do feel free to have a thoroughly spiked drink from me - On Mo's tab :-D (Quick exit as I duck Mo's missiles!!)

|d®| said...

I likes that - graduating vicariously.

Looks like I need to pull a fast one like that, of only to stop my Moms from asking when I'll be graduating!

savvy said...

My relatives will come to my graduation in the biggest hired bus! I can't two years.