Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck by the difference between what things are and what they ought to be. --William Hazlitt
And there I was thinking that the reason I cry when watching movies by myself or reading touching stories had something to do with me being overly sensitive; and that my ability to laugh at the drop of a joke was due to my refined sense of humor.
Boy am I relieved... I am a man afterall (sic)... An animal... basal in nature... driven to tears, and even laughter sometimes, by the frustration of those very base instincts that apparently make me who I am..... A man.
An animal that can tell when it's not getting what it wants and cries; and when it is getting way more than it deserves and laughs.... But what does that have to do with weeping in the movies and laughing at another's joke?
I know... I am a confused animal.... but a man all the same:)
You see now you've got me thinking.... trying to remember wether I've ever seen a hyena crying...
There is tearing up and weeping and crying. I think one is a function of pain. And another of joy. You should watch National Geographic more. I mean, the sights of animals jumping up and hugging each other and winking and crying and laughing (yes, Loco, hyena's laugh) and high five-ing...
Apparently, Dugongs cry too (wiki). History has handed Mr Hazlitt a bit of a backhand across the face.
Dammit, I keep trying to formulate this response to Our Kid's comment but I just can't seem to verbalise the pictures in my mind (clean pictures, I swear).
was this written on a tuesday? no? my bad.
i do like that thing you mention, bas[ic]e instinct. i think it is called. oh i so live in the gutter.
ps. how about after sex? laugh or cry? neither?
Just reread my comment... I should really stop being so literal.
Nikolas....if u have to know, I more often than not sleep n forget whatever happened hence the blank look when asked... "how was it?" afterwards.
knock knock!!!1animal farm or wat here
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