Gone are the days when as a young boy, your only influence growing up was a group of old men who had outlived their usefulness (as worriors and hunters) and were relegated to lounging under Mugumo trees, drinking intoxicants and regaling us with tales of their Glory days. Now we have TV, Radio, and these damn blogs.
So I wake up again this morning! Late, with the taste of that delicious nyam-chom from D'Errico's, the Brazillian place downtown, still in my mouth only not so delicious 11 hours later. Late partly b'coz I stayed up late lending a sympathetic ear(eye) to my friend Crys till the wee hours of the morn, and partly b'coz I left my alarm(cellie) in the livingroom last night; effectively waking all but self on time.
So I have to wait till roomie and roomie's guest take their showers and their time while at it. By the time I get in the shower, I barely have 2 minutes of warm water left and just as well coz in fifteen I ought to be sitted at my desk working. So am in there turning the faucet when I remember what one Kelitu had to say about male hygiene... and in that two minutes I scrub scrub scrub away, and curse and scrub till the water gets tepid and my employee concience kicks me out.
Twenty minutes later I stroll into the breakfast buffet but nobody seems to notice that I am looking cleaner than normal.... in fact the big boss just asks if I plan on putting down on my timesheet that I was 15 minutes late... and I join the rest in the laughter.
But I do notice; the collar of my shirt is gliding smoother on my neck, I can finally sense a breeze in the area of my belly button, my scrotum is not sticking to my boxers and I can hardly sit down coz my ass aches so.
All this trouble for a girl who is at best five states removed; I doubt very much she will be inspecting my nethers today. So Kelitu, you can bet your last Geisha soap that I will be skipping tomorrow's shower.
I wonder if that's why your boss was nice after being late.
Aii! You call that nice? That was a joke at my expense... not nice.
It's hygiene year it seems. Did you tawadha/tawaza?
oh no...dont skip the shower..atleast for me!...lol...ur were doing good there with the scrubbing...
@ Bom.... U jua I had read that post n it must have been on my mind as I scrubbed down stairs.... but I doubt hygiene was at the forefront of my mind.... I was more concerned with the close inspection....
@ Ms Devine.... U know for you I would, but my heart is now torn between pleasing you and spiting my tormentor... she wins coz she is closer... you might wanna move to Stato:)
Ha ha!! You angukad for that? Ok i admit i MAY have scrubbed a little harder this morning though i am loath to say that it had anything to do with the young lady's post. Ablution should be performed daily, several times daily, well i do, is there an S.I. unit anyhow?
Confucius say he who scrub to impress blogger best post picture of scrubbing on post of impresee...with the square-mile-barrier, how else can you prove you actually scrubbed?
Evidence coming soon.... watch this space:)
lol!! Cleanliness is next to godliness my dear kk...
and i concur with crystal balls...i needs evidence...
better yet...how about some before and after pics... so you can skip showering for a week to get the before then shower and take after...lol!! i know!!
@kk i meant nice as it could have gone oh so wrong. Payslip minus a days work.
@Kelitu... any before n after pics would have to be for ur eyes only... Don't care to air my dirty laundry so to speak...
@Candy... you are right. I guess there are far worse things that could happen to me than having a conference roomful of ppl laughing at me.... its just that I was feeling rather exposed if u catch my drift.
Repeat after me; the shower...is your friend.x3
Repeat after me; the shower...is your friend.x3
@kk..lol...i could consider
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